CDC – Certificate of Destiny Coach


to The Destiny Key Program. As you embark on this wonderful journey with your Destiny Coach Certificate Program.

You will discover the tremendous power that is locked up within you and put yourself on that trajectory for your amazing destiny, which is absolutely what you deserve. I suggest you follow the guidance of your Destiny Coach as they’ve instructed. What you’ll also discover is throughout these classes, in the Destiny Coach Certificate Program that you will be invited to follow through.

The Destiny Key Program has been designed to give you a great understanding of how destiny works, what destiny is, how you can determine what your destiny is and create your ultimate destiny. This is what I see for you. Ensure that you’re fully involved. Set the intention that this is the first day of the rest of your amazing life, that you’ve decided that no more playing small, that you’re going to get very clear on what you would love to do, be or experience in your life and you’re going to follow along based on the principles that are taught here. These are proven principles that have been shared for centuries.

Destiny Coach


This certificate program consists of 10 courses for 30 hours for each course and a total of 300 hours for the entire certificate program.

DCCO 100 – Welcome/and Orientation.

Welcome to The Destiny Key Program. As you embark on this wonderful journey with your Destiny Coach, You are going to discover the tremendous power that is locked up within you and put yourself on that trajectory for your amazing destiny which is absolutely what you deserve. I suggest you follow the guidance of your Destiny Coach as they’ve instructed. What you’ll also discover is throughout these instructor, in The Destiny Key Program that you will be invited to follow through. You’ll hear me say that no amount of reading or going to programs or listening to audios or reading the books is going to bring anything unless and until you understand and apply. The Destiny Key Program has been designed to give you a great understanding of how destiny works, what destiny is, how you can determine what your destiny is and create your ultimate destiny. This is what I see for you. Ensure that you’re fully involved. Set the intention that this is the first day of the rest of your amazing life, that you’ve decided that no more playing small, that you’re going to get very clear on what you would love to have, do, be or experience in your life and you’re going to follow along based on the principles that are taught here. These are proven principles that have been shared for centuries

 DCCP 101– Beliefs

Let’s dive into this class. This class is all about beliefs. Beliefs, this is one of the most valuable ideas that you’re ever going to stumble upon. How are they created? The impact of beliefs on your destiny and again, awareness. Now awareness is a part of every session. And this is the reason why you’ll hear me emphasizing the importance of awareness. We’re talking about beliefs right now. What are beliefs? You may have heard the term paradigms. Paradigms is also a way of describing beliefs. Paradigms are the beliefs that you have within you that are literally dictating and determining every thought you think, the feelings that you feel, the way that you act, the way that you speak, your behaviors, your habits, and are evidenced in your results.

DCCP 102 -Desires and Goals

Let’s talk about desires. Desires are simply a feeling that you have from within. Most people get desires. Actually, everyone has desires, but many people just squish them. They don’t listen to their desires. Desires come from feelings. They come from intuition. They come from an idea. Now desire, as a word, has been described as a word that means de sire “of the father”. Think about that for a moment. And burning desires, will they come from your passion? And you’re the only one that can decide whether it is your passion or not your passion. Absolutely your choice as far as what you desire. When we’re thinking about desires, I want you to think about what you would really love as well. Napoleon Hill said this, “The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results just like as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat. “He also said that no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand prosperity and abundance than it is to accept misery and poverty

 DCCP 103 -The Power of Your Emotions

You see, you’re an emotional being. We’re all as human beings, emotional beings. And what people don’t really understand although they should if they’re looking to create and manifest their ultimate destiny is how important and how valuable it is to understand the nature, and the power of your emotions. But more importantly, how your emotions are playing a role and what’s showing up in your life, whether it’s desirable results or whether it’s not. And as you know, this is all about increasing your awareness so that you have a deep level of understanding. Since you’re an emotional being and we’re all emotional beings, it’s not that you’re any different than anyone else, you attract based on what you are feeling. You feel using your emotions. It’s essential that not only are you aware of what your emotions are, but that you manage your feelings as well. Very important, but I’ve designed this in a way so simplistic that it’s going to give you the understanding and you’ll know how to apply this into your life. An emotion is a feeling such as joy, such as anger, both emotions. You feel them. Emotions play a role in what’s being attracted into your life, also in what you’re repelling. When you’re feeling negative emotions, you’re attracting negative results. When you’re feeling positive emotions, you’re attracting positive results. And you learn how to feel emotions at a very young age, because you’re a feeling being and the feelings that you feel, whether you’re feeling happy are typically consistent and become habitual.

DCCP 104 – The Power of Your Mind

You are now at the fifth session of the Destiny Key. And I suspect by now, you’ve been following through on the recommendations from the previous sessions. Because as I’ve said, we’re building upon an idea for you to create your ultimate destiny. This session, we’re going to cover off the power of your mind, the subconscious mind and the conscious mind. Consciousness, it is important that you understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious mind, because they both play a role in what you’re manifesting and they equally have an important role. When you understand the law of consciousness and how it works, it’s going to enable you to live your destiny. I’m not saying you haven’t been manifesting amazing things in your life right now. You may have. You may have been an unconscious competent. What’s an unconscious competent? It’s someone who is manifesting perhaps with great ease and they don’t even realize or understand how they are manifesting

DCCP 105 – Switching Techniques

You’re now on the sixth class of the Destiny Key. Congratulations to you for following through. We are getting into some really fun stuff. We’re going to talk in this session about switching strategies, how to get out of that negative over to the positive, how to direct your thoughts and feelings and techniques that you can use immediately. You’ve already heard about the power of your subconscious mind and your emotions, and how they play a role in what’s showing up in your life. So inevitably, negativity happens. We live in a very interesting world, there’s negativity everywhere, and quite often, the paradigms, the old belief systems that were established when you were a lot younger, even though you’ve been working on impressing these new ideas and building a new belief system, sometimes they just show up. And they can show up in unexpected ways, sometimes they’ll just show up like that, and sometimes you’ll find yourself in a negative state. And what you want to make sure that you’re doing is getting yourself out of it as fast as humanly possible

DCCP 106 – Being in Harmony

You are now on Class 7 of The Destiny Key program. During this session, we’re going to be covering off alignment with your desires, with your goals, with your outcomes. Those words, “desires”, “goals”, “outcomes”, “objectives”, are words that are definitely interchangeable. So, what is this really referring to? It’s referring to you feeling as if what you desire, whatever it is that you’re setting as your intentions, which are your goals in your life, that you feel as if they’re in your life now. As simple as that may sound, to feel as if you already have that which you desire, it can definitely be a challenge for many people, until they condition themself to actually feel it sincerely in their heart. I’ll give you some guidance on how to get there, “get there” meaning getting into alignment, and how to stay in alignment as much as humanly possible. As much as you’re willing to give your attention to.

DCCP 107 – Persistence and Discipline

You are now at this 8th class presentation for the Destiny Key. During this session, we’re going to cover off persistence and how that plays a role in your destiny and discipline. Discipline has been something we have been communicating within this program throughout many of the sessions. And if you haven’t figured this out already, discipline is essential for success. Let’s talk about how you can be more disciplined and how you can utilize one of the tools that we’ve created for you to help you be more disciplined. The dictionary defines persistence as a firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. When you think about successful people in this world, whether they’re politicians, musicians, actors, businesspeople, they have one thing in common, and what’s that? They are all persistent. In my own career, building my business, Dynamic Destinies, bringing my books out to the world, if I hadn’t been persistent, none of it would have occurred

DCCP 108 – Overcoming Adversity

You’re now on the 9th class of this program. This one we’re going to cover off overcoming adversity, individual, which means personal blocks, outside challenges and how to deal with them and allowing. What is adversity? Adversity could be summed up with another word, challenges. I like to say challenges, not problems. Some people might call them problems, but I certainly don’t call them problems. Adversity are things that you choose. Sometimes you choose them that allow you to hold you back. Now that’s an interesting statement, right? You choose adversity. Many times, people don’t even realize that they are in their own way. How are they in their own way? They’re in their own way because of previous conditioning, because of negative thinking, because of old beliefs that are not supportive of what they desire to be.

DCCP 109 – Action and Mastery – The 7 Day Miracle

You’re now on the 10th session of The Destiny Key Program. In this session we’re going to be covering off action and mastery, two very important parts of living your destiny. There was a quote that’s in the Bible that goes like this, “Faith without works is dead.” And I know there’s been many other speakers, Genevieve Behrend had talked about this as well in her book called Your Invisible Power. What does this really mean? It means that the process of manifesting involves you feeling as if you have that which you desire and having the faith in the knowing that it’s going to manifest into physical form, but you still must do work. What work do you do? Well, that’s easy. You’re going to be guided into what work to do by being in alignment.

You’re now at a very last class for The Destiny Key, and this session is called The Seven Day Miracle. Why is it called The Seven Day Miracle? Because if you do these things for seven days, potentially amazing things will happen in your life. The way that this is designed, there will be seven things that will be recommended that you do over a period of seven days. But it’s also recommended that once you’ve established these things as a habit, that you keep doing them beyond the seven days. But let’s decide that right now, you’re going to dedicate the next seven days to do these seven things. What are the seven things? Let’s dive in, in a little more detail.